Friday, January 28, 2011

ZENIT's "Spirit of the Liturgy" Series

During the Year for Priests, ZENIT ran a bi-weekly series called The Spirit of the Liturgy.  I had a "Letter to the Editor" about the series published in ZENIT in late 2009:
Spirit of the Liturgy

Article: ZENIT Launches "Spirit of the Liturgy"

It is great to see ZENIT addressing the ways in which the Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms express the same lex credendi. I think this series has the potential of dispelling confusion and of confirming our Catholic heritage and identity (especially in our priests).

As an author preparing a catechetical guide to the priest's prayers in the new English translation of the Mass, I will be looking forward to this series over the next several months!

Jeffrey Pinyan
The series ran from November through July.  A few months later, they started a second series under the same name.  Here are the articles from both the first and the second series:
I'll continue to update this post as new installments come in.

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